Explore the best fishing spots proven by local anglers.
Weather forecast, as of 06:43
Light rain overnight
Hourly weather
Today, January 21
Positive factors
In clear weather, fish feel at ease
Light winds have a very favorable effect on biting activity
A suitable moon phase for catching fish
Negative factors
When atmospheric pressure that is too high, fish will swim up to the upper levels of the water to regulate their internal pressure
Frequent changes in wind direction negatively affect fish activity
Please, be aware that all shovelnose sturgeon caught downstream from Carl R. Noren Access to Chamois Acces must be released immediately.
Dough balls and worms work great for common carp fishing.
Flathead catfish might be caught on cut bait in spring or on live bait throughout the year.
Regulations vary by location. Check the rules for your fish to stay informed and prepared for fishing.
Check the regulation for your fish.
View regulation