Kentucky Lake: Fishing Spots, Map, and Regulations
Hot spots on Kentucky Lake🔥
Kentucky Lake weather conditions
Fish species to catch in the Kentucky Lake, Tennessee, United States (10)
💡 Fishing Tips & Tricks on Kentucky Lake
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Artificial worms, deep diving crankbaits in blue or yellow color are effective lures for bass fishing at Kentucky Lake. Move baits slowly around submerged covers.
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During cold weather crappie are most commonly found at the depth of 10 feet. When the temperature gets warmer fish move to shallow water. The daily creel limit for crappies here is 20 fish
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The best period to fish for sunfish is from April to June. Crickets and worms are popular live baits.
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Sauger and walleye are active from December to March. Jig heads with white or chartreuse curly-tailed grub will help you to catch fish.
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Catfish prefer live baits such as chicken livers, shad, shrimps and nightcrawlers.
Fishing regulation in Tennessee, United States
Regulations vary by location. Check the rules for your fish to stay informed and prepared for fishing.
Check the regulation for your fish.
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