Hot spots on Cherokee Reservoir🔥
Cherokee Reservoir weather conditions
Fish species to catch in the Cherokee Reservoir, Tennessee, United States (10)
💡 Fishing Tips & Tricks on Cherokee Reservoir
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During the period from June 1 to October 15 only one smallmouth bass with the minimum length of 18 inches may be caught in Cherokee Reservoir. From October 16 to May 31 you may catch 5 fish per day with 15 inches of minimum length.
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Largemouth bass are extremely active from March to April. The minimum length limit for largemouth bass here is 15 inches. Shad Raps, Rat-L-Traps, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits work excellent.
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15 spotted bass may be caught per day with no length limit.
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Fishing season for paddlefish is open from April 1 to April 15. The area from Holston River upstream to John Sevier Dam is closed to snagging from March 1 to March 31 and from April 16 to May 31.
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A heavy tackle and a 30-pound line is good option for paddlefish in Cherokee Reservoir.
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Sauger and walleye are well caught on Rooster Tail or June Bug spinners.
Fishing regulation in Tennessee, United States
Regulations vary by location. Check the rules for your fish to stay informed and prepared for fishing.
Check the regulation for your fish.
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