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The Sacramento perch, Archoplites interruptus, is a freshwater fish native to California's rivers and lakes, particularly within the Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage. This species is recognized for its adaptability to various aquatic environments, although it is now more commonly found in ponds and reservoirs due to habitat changes. Sacramento perch is highly valued for its resilience and the challenge it offers to anglers.
Other names
~19" (max 73)
~0.5" (max 1)
Water Temp
18-29° F
3 ft
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Prefers vegetated sloughs, pools, and lakes with slow-moving waters
Often found in shallow, warm waters with abundant plant cover
Feeds on a variety of aquatic insects, small fish, and crustaceans
Thrives in environments with minimal current, making it a good target in calm water
Males build and guard nests in shallow, vegetated areas during the breeding season
Guarding behavior is intense, with males actively protecting eggs until hatching
Spawning occurs in warmer months, and juveniles stay near vegetation for protection
Post-spawning, fish spread out and can be found in various depths depending on temperature