Other names: Northern cisco, Lake herring, Chub , Tullibee
The cisco, Coregonus artedi, is a freshwater fish found in North America's lakes and rivers, particularly in the Great Lakes. It is a pelagic species known for its silvery body and streamlined shape. This fish plays a crucial role in the ecosystem and is significant for commercial and recreational fishing.
Other names
Northern cisco, Lake herring, Chub , Tullibee
~28" (max 40)
~1" (max 2)
Fresh, brackish, salt
Water Temp
--20° F
1-90 ft
Found in open waters of lakes and large rivers
Prefers cold, well-oxygenated waters
Diet consists mainly of plankton and large crustaceans
Juveniles stay in shallower areas before moving to deeper waters
Spawning occurs in autumn in shallow waters
Eggs are laid on gravel or rocky substrates
Larvae drift and develop in open water before settling
Adults return annually to specific spawning grounds