Other names: Zambezi shark, Lake Nicaragua shark
The bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, is a large, stout shark found in warm coastal waters worldwide. Notable for its ability to thrive in both saltwater and freshwater, it is commonly found in rivers and estuaries. This species is known for its aggressive nature and is often implicated in shark attacks on humans.
Other names
Zambezi shark, Lake Nicaragua shark
~230" (max 350)
~130" (max 600)
Salt, brackish
Water Temp
21-32° F
1-137 ft
Inhabits coastal waters, rivers, and estuaries
Prefers shallow, warm waters, often near river mouths
Feeds on a diverse diet including fish, crustaceans, and marine mammals
Capable of moving between saltwater and freshwater environments
Viviparous, with females giving birth to live young
Gestation lasts about 10-11 months
Juveniles are born in freshwater or brackish nurseries
Adults migrate between coastal and freshwater areas for feeding and breeding