Other names: Tailor , Elf, Shad
The bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, is a highly migratory, pelagic species found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide. Known for its aggressive feeding behavior and sharp teeth, it is a popular target for recreational and commercial fisheries. Bluefish are recognized for their silvery body with a greenish-blue back.
Other names
Tailor , Elf, Shad
~18" (max 100)
~9" (max 18)
Water Temp
10-28° F
2 ft
Always open
30 cm
Total length
Found in oceanic and coastal waters, often near surf beaches and rocky headlands
Prefers high-energy, clean waters but also found in estuaries
Forms schools, feeding on fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods
Migrate to warmer waters in winter and cooler waters in summer
Spawning occurs in open ocean waters
Females release a large number of eggs, which are pelagic
Larvae drift with currents before settling in coastal nurseries
Juveniles grow rapidly and often form schools, exhibiting high mobility