Northern Snakehead

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The Northern Snakehead is a freshwater predator native to Asia but has become invasive in parts of North America. Known for its ability to survive out of water for several days and move on land, this fish poses a significant threat to local ecosystems due to its aggressive predatory habits. It typically inhabits ponds, rivers, and reservoirs, preying on fish, amphibians, and crustaceans.

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~50" (max 150)


~4" (max 8)



iconWater Temp

5-16° F


1-12 ft

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Regulation for Northern Snakehead

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Bag limit


Vessel limit


Trophy limits


Max size


Min size




Prohibited methods


Living Conditions

🐟 Habitat preferences

♻️ Life cycle and mating behavior

Popular spots nearby where you can catch the Northern Snakehead

Batson Branch
Batson BranchDelaware, US
Bayville Gut
Bayville GutDelaware, US
Banks-Bennett Ditch
Banks-Bennett DitchDover, Delaware, US
Bay Pond
Bay PondCaterham, Delaware, US
Abbotts Pond
Abbotts PondWellesley, Delaware, US
Swan Creek
Swan CreekToledo, Delaware, US
Beach Cove
Beach CoveDelaware, US
See all spots