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The Indo-Pacific blue marlin is a large, powerful pelagic fish found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific. Known for its elongated body and striking blue-black coloration, it is a highly prized species among game fishermen for its speed and strength. This species is migratory, moving across vast oceanic regions.
~350" (max 500)
~90" (max 625)
Water Temp
21-34° F
37 ft
Occupies warm, open ocean waters, usually near the surface
Often found near deep drop-offs and oceanic islands
Feeds primarily on fish and cephalopods, such as squid
Juveniles and smaller individuals may form small schools, while larger adults are mostly solitary
Spawning occurs year-round in equatorial waters and seasonally in other regions
Eggs are released in the open ocean, where they hatch into larvae
Juveniles grow rapidly, staying near the surface until they mature
Adults undertake extensive migrations, often following prey across ocean basins