Other names: Codling
The Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, is a widely distributed marine fish found in the North Atlantic. Known for its significant commercial value, this species has a prominent chin barbel and a distinctive lateral line. Cod are prized for their firm, white flesh and are a staple in many cuisines.
Other names
~110" (max 180)
~12" (max 50)
Water Temp
8-17° F
61-366 ft
Atlantic cod thrive in cold, temperate waters, typically on the continental shelf
They inhabit depths ranging from shallow coastal areas to deep offshore waters
Juveniles prefer complex habitats like seagrass beds and rocky substrates
Cod are omnivorous, feeding on invertebrates and other fish
Spawning occurs in the winter and early spring in offshore waters
Females release millions of eggs, which are fertilized by males in the water column
Larvae are pelagic, drifting with currents until they settle in coastal nursery areas
Cod exhibit annual migrations between feeding, spawning, and overwintering grounds